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Leon's Productions
Alice In Wonderland
The Hairy Ape
Martini Ceremony
Moby Dick (Norfolk)
The Sea
The Grapes Of Wrath
Moby Dick (Alaska)
The Tempest
Moby Dick (Japan)
ACM Theatre Mito Japan, May, 1991
Directed by Leon Ingulsrud
Adapted by Leon Ingulsrud
Set by Makiko Kume
Lights by Michitomo Shiohara
Sound by Leon Ingulsrud/ Shuichi Tomobe
Costumes by Tomoko Okamoto

This show was, in many ways, my directorial debut. I had done a couple of smaller scale productions before, but this was the first fully realized production that I staged.
The cast was comprised of a core of SCOT (Suzuki Company Of Toga) members, supported by members of the ACM company... ...joined by two international guest artists.
I adapted the text myself using several existing adaptations as reference points. I was interested in exploring a visual vocabulary that did not reference the Tenieal images that originally accompanied the text.
This allowed us to investigate the work from a standpoint that allowed for a more overt Japanese cultural influence. I was particularly interested in the charactor of the Mad Hatter (who evolved into a Charles Dobbson narrator/ guide role) as a Meiji era figure caught between the values of English and Japanese cultures, in the same way that Alice is caught between girlhood and womanhood, dependance and independance.

Please feel free to contact Leon if you have any comments or questions.


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